
(Also see Exterior Concrete Substrates and Other Exterior Substrates)

As you look around the outside of your home, it’s easy to imagine the home-improvement possibilities, such as maybe creating the perfect spot for a quiet cup of coffee or even a weekend barbecue.

Outside areas also require special materials. If your project is outdoors, uncovered and located in a climate that experiences temperatures below 0⁰F, a two-part mortar such as MAPEI Uncoupling Membrane Mortar mixed with MAPEI Polymer Additive, is recommended. For regions that rarely experience below-zero temperatures, MAPEI Large-Format Floor & Wall Tile Mortar and MAPEI Large Tile & Stone Mortar are also good choices. It is also a good idea to consider the planned use of the area. For example, if you plan to use the space as an eating area, a stain-resistant grout such as MAPEI Flexcolor CQ is a great choice.

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