Material & Supply Calculator Floors

Is your substrate even, flat and level?

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(Also see EvenFlat and Level)

An easy way to determine how much leveling is needed is to place a carpenter’s level on a long straight edge and then measure the space (depth) between the straight edge and the substrate — this will pinpoint the deep spots and help you to estimate the need for leveling in the lowest areas of the room.

A self-leveling underlayment, such as MAPEI's Ultraplan 1 Plus, is a pourable product that helps correct a substrate that is out of level. Self-leveling underlayments require very structurally sound, solid and stable substrates. Because self-leveling underlayments have short working times, it is a good idea to have at least three people working together when pouring a self-leveler — one to mix the product, one to carry the buckets and pour out the self-leveler, and one to spread the self-leveler and guide it into the desired areas as it is poured.

A primer, such as MAPEI's Primer T, is always required when using MAPEI's Ultraplan 1 Plus.

(Also see Leveling)

Interior concrete and exterior-grade plywood substrates on floors that have occasional low spots (about the size of a puddle or bird bath) should be patched and filled with a cement-based patching compound such as MAPEI's Planipatch.

(Also see Type of Substrate, Exterior Concrete Substrates and Other Exterior Substrates)

The substrate is the basis for the tile assembly. Professional tile installers will tell you that a tile installation is only as good as what it is bonded to. So, before planning a tile project, it is important to determine if your substrate is acceptable to receive an interior tile installation.

If your substrate is not structurally sound, solid and stable, it is recommended that you replace it with an appropriate material.

All interior substrates should be clean, dry and free of dust, dirt, oil, grease, paint, tar, wax, soap, concrete curing compounds, concrete color stains, concrete sealers, clear coats, loosely bonded toppings, any primers that are not a MAPEI-brand, old adhesive residues (unless otherwise recommended by MAPEI), and any other substance that may prevent, reduce or affect adhesion or performance.

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Properly calculating your project’s total area helps ensure an accurate estimate of the materials needed. The shape of your project space may require combining multiple measurements.

Grout joint widths are also an important factor in a successful tile installation. When choosing spacer size, consider the aesthetics of the installation, the type and size of tile, the edge style of the tile and the type of grout.

3/16" is a standard-size joint width. Wider joints may be needed with installations of very large tiles. Even installations of small tile require a minimum of 1/16" grout joint. Note: Installations with tiles tightly butted together (zero grout) are not recommended and will likely develop serious issues over time.

Many factors should be considered when selecting the right trowel size for a tile installation, but the most important factor is the tile size. As a general rule, after tile is pressed into mortar, mortar should cover the entire back surface of the tile without voids or trowel lines. So, take time to check for proper mortar coverage by periodically lifting a couple of tiles and inspecting them for coverage. If there are voids or trowel lines showing, a larger-sized trowel may be required for the installation. Back-buttering is generally recommended for tiles with any side 15" or greater. Installations of tiles larger than 24" x 24" typically require the skill of a knowledgeable and experienced tile installer. The Technical Data Sheet and product packaging will provide mortar coverage for common trowel sizes.

Note: When using premixed products such as MAPEI's Type 1 or MAPEI's Premium Mortar, for tile and stone, using a larger trowel can greatly extend the drying time of the mortar or adhesive.

Floors Supply List

Congrats, your Floors Project has been successfully calculated. Below you’ll find a list of all the MAPEI products you’ll need to complete your project.

These calculations are only estimates. To ensure getting the right amount of product for your project, check the packaging information or consult your retail associate.